construction & medical
Operation Honduras "OH" Volunteers & Supporters:
Please find this email as a proposed (NOW POSTPONED) FEB 17-24, 2022 itinerary/OH update plus a follow up to 10/11/21 email which outlined goals for October 18-21, 2021 trip. This trip was a BIGGER success than we even hoped for! Just got EVERYTHING we planned, per itinerary, done plus so much more. Pictures etc on my Facebook page:)
Our famous Rick Hill/wonderful daughter Lauren OH synopsis:
Yes! we have a construction project in Choloma (20-30 minute drive from hotel) and Andrew/Todd & I already booked our flights (now cancelled). This project partners with Club Rotario de Choloma; we will substantially complete 1 small building in a senior very low income housing facility. Dr Vasaanth Prabhu, Dra Wasmanski + Angela's GIFT OF SIGHT is on: 400+ brand new prescription eye glasses will be delivered; 50 more cataract surgeries scheduled (this literally can give sight to the blind) PLUS hundreds of reading glasses will be delivered to Angela. Wow! we have a new donor, Kevin, who pledged $12,000 to support GIFT OF SOUND for 100 additional patients (Starkey asks for $100/new hearing aid..this pays for 120 hearing aids-Starkey last time just gave us 80 more hearing aids-OH volunteers donate misc expenses). Tele-medicine kits were such a success. Lets deliver at least 3 more under the leadership of Mike Tysowski/Manos Amigos who showed such appreciation and immediate applications for the kits. Yes! we will make more GIFT OF SOUND shirts; 6 year old OH volunteer Luke wants his handsome face on a shirt (similar to attached logo on October shirts) + the rest of us; maybe a Pittsburg Steeler theme? since donor Kevin is a BIG fan.
Long version/detailed itinerary:
Thursday February17, 2022:
12:07pm DELTA1920 arrives San Pedro Sula..from ABE..JTD &Todd so far+++
Christof + Choloma Rotarians meet us at airport
-transport volunteers directly to Choloma Rotary elderly low income construction site; hopefully work 3+ hours
5pm?,-check in to Hotel Gran Mediterraneo/3.5 star/$78 per night/free full breakfast/pool. Copantl price was a too expensive $130?/night in October; favorite patio bar/restaurant was closed/breakfast was a 45 minute wait..need new hotel. Christof: this new hotel is close to Guamalito; please verify good location and ask if we can get a cheaper $$ rate? I couldnt find any hotels in Choloma with pool/amenities. The hotel could change based on Christofs & Choloma Rotary recommendation(s).
Friday Feb 18
6am JTD+Toni the nurse?+Christof++?? depart for Teguc to deliver hearing aids/prescription eye glasses/reading glasses to Angela "the Angel of Tegucigalpa" Ardon. The location in October was PERFECT! Congrats to the Angel! Could we start the event at 9 a.m. Friday? we hope to arrive before 9:30 a.m. The Angel brilliantly organised simultaneous GIFT OF SOUND and GIFT OF SIGHT in the same compound.
7 p.m. Friday celebration dinner at Hotel Juan Carlos (angela could change this) in Teguc. I promise not to forget requested LORD FAMILY GIFT OF SOUND shirts for Angela's most capable team....likely depart Teguc 10am Saturday from compound location and proceed directly to Choloma construction site. We work 1/2 day Saturday and take Sundays off; Andrew+?/Todd+? may want to leave for Roatan, or other, directly from job site Saturday at 130pm.
8am (Friday) Choloma Rotarians? meet OH construction volunteers at hotel; depart for job site..famous RICK HILL and BILLY THE KING!! are in charge of of work assignments/schedule etc.
430pm return to Hotel
Saturday Feb 19
8 a.m. Choloma Rotarians? meet OH construction volunteers at hotel; depart for job site
130 p.m. Teguc/GIFT OF SIGHT/GIFT OF SOUND volunteers meet constr volunteers at job site
Sunday-Feb 20 DAY OFF; Ive seen everything..HAPPY to do whatever OH volunteers want to do :)
Monday Feb 21
8 a.m. Christof/Choloma Rotarians? meet OH construction volunteers at hotel; depart for job site..traveling/ adventurous volunteers may arrive at jobsite late morning
430pm return to Hotel
Tuesday Feb 22
8 a.m. Christof/Choloma Rotarians? meet OH construction volunteers at hotel; depart for job site.
8 a.m. Christof/private driver? JTD+ the nurse?++ depart for clinic(s) selected by Mike Tysowski/Manos Amigos to deliver 3 new tele-medicine zoom kits.
430pm return to Hotel
Best friend Mike Tysowski/Manos Amigos: Thank you! for years of leadership/friendship and for alerting us to the need for subject "zoom kit". Per my personal Facebook report; your in-house Manos Amigos Dr. James stated after trial, "Im thrilled!..very high HD camera quality..amazing <perfect for post brigade USA doctors to use for follow up exams> plus many many other applications". OH volunteer Matt Petlock is a genius! Attached you will find that Matt has the cost down to $896.51.
Mike: Could you recommend 3 other Honduran clinics that would benefit from zoom kits as much as Manos Amigos does? We can deliver on this day, or, depending on location, during our travels.
Do you need any camera or other upgrades to your zoom kit?
CHRISTOF: Dr Vasanth Prabhu had some great questions yesterday: could Lions Club <free cataract surgery> SPS clinic use our Zoom kit? Please offer for trial basis 1 of the 3 zoom kits we delivered. we would be happy to donate and deliver a new zoom kit if, after trial, they determine they need 1.
Angela: could the ZOE cataract surgery clinic in Tegucigalpa use a zoom kit? Please offer 1 of the 3 kits we delivered in October to them for trial basis; if they need 1, we can donate/deliver in February.
Wednesday Feb 23
8 a.m. Christof/Choloma Rotarians? meet OH construction volunteers at hotel; depart for job site..
1200? of completed job site
1pm proceed to Chedrani "school by the dam" School to deliver PAGODA uniforms to needy class(es) suggested by Christof; JTD to give Christof badges to be sewn on uniforms Thursday upon arrival.
DELTA1842 1:22pm JTD, Todd++? depart
oh well...very disappointed; we could have accomplished so much in February
but..its only a postponement!
OH is eternally optimistic and Thank God! we were able to accomplish what we did in October. This delay will allow the upcoming trip to be even more productive by giving us time to perform more research.
We love our Honduran hosts!
We will keep you updated on dates and details of upcoming OH trip.
To make your WHITE GIFT/contribute financially; make checks payable to Wyoming Valley Presbyterian Church "WVPC", memo: <your gift> "GIFT OF SOUND-2 hearing aids" for example; or “Operation Honduras”. And mail your check to: Operation Honduras 201 Bear Creek Blvd-Suite A, Plains Twp., PA 18702. 100% of donations are applied as designated-there are no administration fees. Physical donations can be given to a OH volunteer. Feel free to email:; see our website: or call Jim Davenport (570) 970-0650 with questions or comments.
Jim Davenport
gift of sound
Help us help them
Be a volunteers and make a difference
Operation Honduras is a group of Northeast Pennsylvania volunteers who travel to San Pedro Sula, Honduras, annually.The week long annual trips are dedicated to improving the quality of life of orphans and other people living in that area. Success of the trips is made possible through the help of in-country volunteers. Generous sponsors of this group include: local churches; including Wyoming Valley Presbyterian Church, Church of Christ Uniting, local clubs including Rotary, and many individuals. Volunteers regularly travel to the work sites prior to main group arrival for planning purposes.
CONTRIBUTE: (financially) to Wyoming Valley Presbyterian Church, "WVPC
2 Lockhart St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703; please memo check “Operation Honduras-Airfare Fund” or "Operation Honduras Material Fund”.
**Above donations go directly to materials or airfare-there are no administrative fees**
DONATE:used hearing aids (Starkey credits OH account for each used aid received), anti inflammatory medications; adult & children, tablets & suspension (acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen); cough suppressants; nasal decongestants; ascorbic acid;calcium;ferrous sulfate & folic acid. Donations are hand delivered to Ruth Paz Clinic.
gift of sight
VOLUNTEER:You will need to budget an estimated $1100.00 plus miscellaneous costs associated with passport, vaccinations, etc
James Davenport
Operation Honduras .
Operation Honduras